
Wildcard SSL

Sichern Sie unlimitierte Sub-Domains mit einem einzigen Zertifikat.

SSL Certificates

Was ist ein Wildcard-SSL-Zertifikat?

SSL Certificates are fundamental to internet security. They are used to establish an encrypted connection and allow data to be transmitted securely between a browser or user's computer and a server or website.

Establishes a secure connection between a browser and a server

Ein Wildcard-SSL-Zertifikat ermöglicht es Ihnen, eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Sub-Domains mit einem einzigen Zertifikat zu sichern. Es ist die passendste Lösung, wenn Sie mehrere Websites unter der gleichen Domain betreiben. Die Kosten des Zertifikats decken ebenso alle Sub-Domains die sie zukünftig hinzufügen.

Im Gegensatz zu einem Standard-SSL-Zertifikat, das nur für einen einzigen vollständigen Domainnamen ausgestellt wird, z.B. www.ihredomain.com, und damit nur für diese Domain verwendet werden kann, wird ein Wildcard SSL Zertifikat an *.ihredomain.com ausgestellt, wobei das Sternchen alle möglichen Sub-Domains darstellt.

Certificate Pricing

SSL Certificates are fundamental to internet security. They are used to establish an encrypted connection and allow data to be transmitted securely between a browser or user's computer and a server or website.

RapidSSL Wildcard

$149.00 USD/yr
Save more money with an annual term
  • 256-Bit Encryption
  • Minutes Issuance Time
  • Personal Websites Great For
  • USD $10,000 Warranty Value
  • Trust Site Seal
  • Free Reissues
  • 99.9% Browser Support
  • $149.00 USD/yr for 1 Year
  • $137.50 USD/yr for 2 Years
  • $131.33 USD/yr for 3 Years
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard

$279.00 USD/yr
Save more money with an annual term
  • 256-Bit Encryption
  • Minutes Issuance Time
  • Small Business Great For
  • USD $500,000 Warranty Value
  • Trust Site Seal
  • Free Reissues
  • 99.9% Browser Support
  • $279.00 USD/yr for 1 Year
  • $244.13 USD/yr for 2 Years
  • $226.33 USD/yr for 3 Years
Geotrust True BusinessID Wildcard

$449.00 USD/yr
Save more money with an annual term
  • 256-Bit Encryption
  • 1-3 Days Issuance Time
  • Business & Ecommerce Great For
  • USD $1,250,000 Warranty Value
  • Trust Site Seal
  • Free Reissues
  • 99.9% Browser Support
  • $449.00 USD/yr for 1 Year
  • $426.50 USD/yr for 2 Years
  • $419.00 USD/yr for 3 Years

Certificate Features

Put your SEO plan into action (with no experts needed) and get a monthly progress report

Delivered in Minutes for Instant Protection

The fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website, issuance is quick and often fully automated.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

Boost your Google Ranking

Google uses SSL/HTTPS as a factor in determining search engine ranking. Add SSL today to help boost your Google ranking!

Encrypt sensitive data
Secure online transactions
Prove legitimacy
Strongest & Fastest SSL
99.9% Browser Compatibility
Increase SEO rank
Instant Issuance
Free Reissues
Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.