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Fully Managed hosting services

Build better sites & stores

Faster speeds, stronger security, inherent scalability, and trusted support. Better business runs on Coodiv clouds services.

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We've got solutions for every kind of project.

The perfect domain lets people know at a glance why you're online (and why you're awesome). Find the right domain extension now to grab more attention and visitors..

Fully managed WordPress hosting

Instant autoscaling, visual compare, feature-rich plugins, performance tools, automatic plugin updates, plus free staging.

Starting at
$5.99 $2.99 per month
Cpanel hosting
cPanel web Hosting

Launch and grow a web presence that can scale with evolving business needs. All plans include one-click install, 99.9% uptime, 24/7 security monitoring, daily backups, and an easy-to-use control panel.

Starting at
$5.99 $4.99 per month
VPS hosting
High RAM VPS Hosting

Get total control with SSD-powered VPS Hosting that gives you full root access and optional control panels, backups with performance monitoring, unlimited traffic and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Starting at
$5.99 $0.99 per month
Find domains
Used by professionals at

Construirea unui site nu a fost niciodată mai ușoară

Cu Weebly website builder este ușor de a crea un site web puternic, profesional, fără nici o abilitate tehnică. Peste 40 de milioane de întreprinzători și întreprinderi mici au utilizat deja Weebly pentru a-și construi prezența online cu un site web, un blog sau un magazin.

Provides a range of features designed to protect both your website and your business’ reputation
Professional security features for your website
Malware Scan

Proactively monitors for and alerts you about any malware that is detected on your website.

Automatic malware removal

If a scan finds anything, SiteLock will safely remove any known malware automatically.

Vulnerability Scan

Automatically checks your applications to ensure they're up-to-date and secured against known vulnerabilities.

OWASP Protection

Get protection against the top 10 web app security flaws as recognised by OWASP, the Open Web Application Security Project.

SiteLock™ Trust Seal

Give your visitors added confidence by showing your website is protected by SiteLock.


The TrueShield™ Web Application Firewall protects your website against hackers and attacks.

Protect your reputation

Daily scans help detect malware early before search engines have a chance to find it and blacklist your site.

Fast automated setup

Instant and fully automated setup gives you protection immediately without anything to install.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Speed up your website by distributing it globally and serving it to your visitors from the closest location for faster page load speeds wherever they are.

Începeți căutarea domeniului perfect ...

Introduceți domeniul dorit și verificați-i disponibilitatea; dacă este liber pentru înregistrare puteți continua cu comanda sau puteți verifica un alt domeniu.

domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .rocks online

‪$5.99per year Check Availability
domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .club online

‪$9.99per year Check Availability
domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .live online

‪$0.99per year Check Availability
domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .shop online

‪$3.99per year Check Availability
domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .host online

‪$12.99per year Check Availability
domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .name online

‪$99.99per year Check Availability
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Exhibit and sell your .online online

‪$16.99per year Check Availability
domain tld

Exhibit and sell your .tv online

‪$17.99per year Check Availability

More Coodiv clouds Hosting options to help you thrive.

Free staging site, automatic daily backups, unlimited email accounts, free SSL, and premium plugins included in every WordPress hosting plan.

Fully Managed web hosting

Reliable hosting that evolves with your business

Not into WordPress? Choose a hosting plan that works for you. Get online with Linux or Windows shared hosting platforms, increase your website's resources with just one click and take advantage of security that never sleeps.


Your online store powered by WooCommerce.

From payments and shipping to product displays and category names, you have the freedom to customize virtually every aspect of your store. Our Ecommerce plan comes with a pre-installed online store powered by WooCommerce, plus a variety of premium extensions including Advanced Notifications, WooCommerce Brands and more.

Coodiv clouds Website Builder

The simplest way to create your new website

Create a modern website in minutes - no tech skills required. Just choose a design you like, add your content and publish. Plus, you get a domain and hosting included with purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Speed up your website by distributing it globally and serving it to your visitors from the closest location for faster page load speeds wherever they are.

Certificatele SSL permit criptarea datelor pe internet și permit transmiterea datelor în siguranță de la un server web către un browser. Cu SSL, site-ul dvs. web poate utiliza protocolul https și va afișa un lacăt în browserele web ale utilizatorilor finali pentru a indica conexiunea este sigură.
Certificatele SSL permit criptarea datelor pe internet și permit transmiterea datelor în siguranță de la un server web către un browser. Cu SSL, site-ul dvs. web poate utiliza protocolul https și va afișa un lacăt în browserele web ale utilizatorilor finali pentru a indica conexiunea este sigură.
Există 3 niveluri diferite de verificare pe care se bazează certificatele SSL. Domeniu validat (DV), organizație validată (OV) și validare extinsă (EV). Diferența majoră dintre tipurile de certificate se referă la informațiile pe care Autoritatea de Certificare, RapidSSL, GeoTrust și DigiCert le solicită și le validează pentru a emite un certificat. Nivelurile mai mari de certificare necesită mai multe informații și deseori este afișat în bara browserului. EV SSL, de exemplu, face bara browserului verde și afișează numele organizației vizitatorilor pentru a genera mai multă încredere.
Lucrați la SEO pentru a îmbunătăți clasamentul site-ului dvs în rezultatele căutării. Acest lucru duce la atragerea a mai mult trafic și, în mod ideal, la transformarea traficului în clienți și vânzări.
Email is so important nowadays, with archiving email is securely stored, giving you extra confidence and peace of mind.

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